Insulated concrete forms

Insulated concrete forms (ICF)

Nova Dry Basements

ICF is most often used in new projects.

Insulated concrete forms (ICF)

Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) is becoming a more common way to build homes. This innovative building material is typically made of blocks of polystyrene foam with space in between to pour a concrete wall. Historically most commonly used for foundation walls, many builders are now taking ICF further fur use in above-grade walls of 1, 2, & 3 story homes.

ICFs are found mainly in new construction rather than retrofitting projects. They are easy to install and have several advantages, including strength, durability, and ability to be well-sealed and well-insulated.

But just how sustainable are insulated concrete forms? Concrete requires more energy to produce compared to conventional wood-framed construction. However, operational energy also plays a significant role in the environmental impact of a building throughout its lifetime. In this article, we investigate the environmental effects of ICFs by examining the life cycle of this building material. 

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